""" These are lists of coordinates inside each district on the map with the corresponding filename. For example, ne1 contains coordinates inside the three districts in ne1.gif. """ ne1 = [(96, 48), (160, 48), (180, 56)] ne2 = [(96, 48), (168, 40), (176, 80)] nm1 = [(96, 24), (96, 80), (120, 144)] nm2 = [(48, 24), (48, 112), (128, 64)] sc1 = [(48, 40), (48, 8), (88, 32), (80, 80), (112, 104), (160, 48), (132, 104)] sc2 = [(32, 16), (72, 16), (56, 56), (112, 40), (96, 96), (160, 64), (144, 104)] oh1 = [(75, 120), (30, 60), (80, 47), (125, 40), (150, 30), (75, 75), (100, 75), (120, 70), (150, 60), (10, 120), (75, 100), (140, 100), (30, 130), (20, 150), (50, 170), (80, 140)] oh2 = [(20, 50), (60, 70), (100, 70), (120, 50), (130, 60), (130, 40), (150, 40), (150, 85), (20, 100), (50, 120), (75, 110), (120, 120), (75, 150), (40, 160), (10, 140), (10, 160)] ar1 = [(60, 10), (50, 120), (85, 70), (140, 40)] ar2 = [(30, 80), (70, 40), (140, 50), (90, 130)]